4 research outputs found

    Study of the cycle-to-cycle variations of an internal combustion engine fuelled with natural gas/hydrogen blends from the diagnosis of combustion pressure

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaSe presenta una metodolog铆a para el estudio de la influencia de la adicci贸n de hidr贸geno (de 0 a 100% en sustituci贸n del gas natural en mezclas de gas natural/aire en la dispersi贸n c铆clica de la combusti贸n de un motor de encendido provocado. Se utiliza un algoritmo gen茅tico que optimiza un modelo de diagn贸stico de la combusti贸n a partir de la presi贸n medida experimentalmente en la c谩mara de combusti贸n de forma que se optimizan entradas al modelo de di谩gn贸stico como son el 谩ngulo de la presi贸n m谩xima y el offset de presi贸n, la relaci贸n de compresi贸n volum茅trica, el 铆ndice de la transferencia de calor a las paredes, etc. Se observa que la adici贸n de hidr贸geno aumenta mucho la velocidad de combusti贸n a partir de un valor del 60%.Ministerio de econom铆a y competitividad de Espa帽

    Characterization of cycle-to-cycle variations in a natural gas spark ignition engine

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaSe presenta un estudio de la influencia del dosado o relaci贸n combustible/aire y del r茅gimen de giro de un motor de combusti贸n interna alternativo sobre la dispersi贸n c铆clica del motor de encendido provocado funcionando con mezclas de aire y gas natural. Para ello se utilizan dos par谩metros com煤nmente utilizados y uno nuevo basado en la masa quemada y en la tasa de masa quemada. Para esto se utiliza un modelo de diagn贸stico de la combusti贸n a partir de la presi贸n medida en la c谩mara de combusti贸n, de forma que se determina la fracci贸n de masa quemada. Posteriormente se utiliza un modelo de algoritmos gen茅ticos de forma que se optimizan los principales par谩metros del modelo de diagn贸stico de forma objetiva y con exactitud, como son la posici贸n angular y offset de la presi贸n medida, la relaci贸n de compresi贸n volum茅trica y los coeficientes de transmisi贸n de calor por las paredes. Se concluye que la dispersi贸n c铆clica es altamente dependiente del r茅gimen de giro y muy poco del dosado.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades (grant ENE2012-34830

    Prediction of the flame kernel growth rate in spark ignition engine fueled with natural gas, hydrogen and mixtures

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaThe knowledge of combustion duration is a key tool in the development of engines, specially nowadays for engines adapted to new fuels with low C/H ratio such as natural gas and hydrogen. This work is aimed to develop a correlation that predicts the duration of the first phase of combustion until the process becomes turbulent in a SI engine. The flame kernel radius when this transition occurs, , is the study variable. To determine this variable from the experimental pressure records, a flame kernel growth predictive model is used. The predictive model is adjusted to the experimental data, determining the most appropriate value. The pressure records of 500 consecutive cycles of 48 test points have been processed. The averaged values of of each test point have been correlated with the characteristic parameters of the process: turbulence and properties of the fuel鈥揳ir mixtures. Finally, and integral length scale ratio is correlated with Damk枚hler number. A wide range of operating conditions have been studied, reaching the novel conclusion that it is possible to analyze the kernel growth phenomenon from a spatial point of view rather than from a temporal point of view, as had been studied in many previous works. The developed correlation can be used in combustion predictive modeling to support SI engine design. Other practical conclusion from the work, that can be used in SI engine development, is that decreasing the integral length scale reduces the time of the first phase of combustion.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n (PID2019-106957RB-C22). 鈥淎nalysis and characterization of dual fuel combustion for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the transport sector

    Combustion and Flame Front Morphology Characterization of H2鈥揅O Syngas Blends in Constant Volume Combustion Bombs

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaThe need to develop new, alternative, and bio-origin fuels for use in internal combustion engines has motivated the realization of this research, which aims to characterize the combustion process synthesis gas, represented by H2鈥揅O blends, which are its main constituents. Syngas can be considered a biofuel because it is a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and other hydrocarbons, and it is formed by partial combustion of biomass. Experimental tests have been developed in two constant volume combustion bombs with spherical and cylindrical geometries to analyze the combustion process and the influence of the blend composition on the burning velocity. In the first one, the pressure registered during the combustion has been used to obtain the mass burning rate, temperatures, and burning velocities. The cylindrical bomb has two optical accesses through which the combustion process can be visualized and recorded with the Schlieren technique, and it has been used to characterize the morphology of the flame, the evolution of the flame front, or the laminar burning velocities, among other parameters of interest in the combustion process. For initial conditions of 0.1 MPa and 300 K, blends with different compositions and equivalence ratios have been studied. The introduction of hydrogen enhances combustion velocity and pressure, introducing also instabilities visible on flame front images, similar effects to those produced by increasing the equivalence ratio. Regarding the morphology of the flames, note that the tend to wrinkle and the cellularity increases as the hydrogen content of the mixture increases and the equivalence ratio decreases. The dependence of the numerical values of burning velocity has been expressed as a correlation on pressure and temperature. Finally, comparing the results of the burning velocities obtained in the spherical bomb and in the cylindrical bomb with those of different authors of the bibliography has checked the consistency and validity of them. Results of syngas blends are essential for the validation, optimization, and development of kinetic models for combustion development.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n (grant PID2019-106957RB-C22